
Across school this week, we have been learning about Global Citizenship and in KS1 we have been focusing on water.


We know that water is useful in lots of different ways. We can use water for:

  • washing ourselves
  • washing our clothes
  • drinking
  • painting
  • flushing the toilet
  • growing plants
  • cooking

We started the week by trying some watermelon as part of snack time. We all thought that it was delicious. We can’t wait to have watermelon again!


In Literacy, we watched a short film from Literacy Shed called Zahra. Click here to watch the film.


A little girl called Zahra spends all day collecting water in order to help her tree grow so she can get some shade.  She travels back and forth to the water pump but it is no good, the tree won’t grow.  It is not until a bead of sweat falls from Zahra’s forehead on the roots that the tree springs forth and grows protectively in order to protect her from the sun.


We looked carefully at the setting of the film and we wrote descriptively to describe the setting. We used dictionaries to try and add new vocabulary to our writing.

‘The blazing sun shone brightly over the small African village.’

‘The sandy ground was arid and burning hot.’

‘Everywhere was golden, nothing grew , there was not a cloud in the sky.’

We learnt that not everyone in the world has access to clean, safe water and this made us sad. We thought about ways that we could try and make a difference. Some children decided to write a letter to the Prime Minister and local MPs to ask for more money to be sent abroad to those that need it so that everyone can have clean, safe water.

We used school’s Twitter account as well to tweet the Prime Minister and our local MPs. We are looking forward to hearing from them soon.

On one of the days, we got the chance to move around each classroom in KS1 to learn more about what we can use water for.

We had a go at doing some messy art with water; completed an obstacle course whilst carrying a cup of water- trying very carefully not to spill a single drop; filtering water to see what some children have to do every day and we learnt about the water cycle and where water comes from.

Our final activity was to have a go at tasting some different water. Miss Varley gave us 4 different types of water to try and we completed a tasting result sheet to see what we thought about each type of water. We didn’t know which one was which until the very end. We all thought that D was the best – it was just plain water!

What you can do with your child at home:

  1. Try to save water and not waste it on purpose.
  2. Click here to visit the Wateraid website to learn more about water conservation.
  3. Talk to your child about the things that they have learnt this week at school.

4 thoughts on “Water

  1. Another great look in to our childs life in school. It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to do this. All the children look like they are having a fab well learning so many different things about water.

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