Easter Fun…

Today we had our annual FS and KS1 Easter Workshop. We invited our grown ups into school to come and make some Easter crafts with us. Everyone had such a fabulous time.


Many thanks to our grown ups for your continued support and for coming to join in with us. It means such a lot to us and we really appreciate it.

We have also been busy tasting hot cross buns, making Easter cards for our loved ones and Easter baskets in hope that the Easter bunny would come to visit. He did and he left us a special treat! What did you get?

Happy Easter everyone!


Remember we are back to school on Monday 24th April!

Eggs… to Ducklings…

We have also been learning about the life cycle of a duck as well in Science and we have been glued to the incubator in class watching and waiting for a small change in the eggs.

image1Eggs need to put in an incubator to help keep them warm and needs to be kept at a constant temperature of 37.5 degrees. We made a calendar to keep track of the eggs but Miss Varley miscalculated the hatching of the eggs by a week, getting them confused with chicken’s eggs.

Duck eggs take around 26-31 days to hatch whereas a chicken’s egg is much shorter at 21 days. We made sure that we put water in the incubator every 3 days to keep the humidity at the same level.

After a couple of days of being in the incubator, we used a special egg torch to shine a light through the eggs to see if the egg had fertilised yet. We saw a small red spot underneath the shell and veins had started to appear. We had baby ducklings on the way!


After a few weeks, we noticed that one of the eggs had started to crack and hatch out of the egg. It is a tiring process, hatching out of the egg but eventually we had our first duckling. We took a class vote and named the first duckling ‘Puddle’. The class decided that the rest of the names has to follow a theme and they chose water related names.


It wasn’t long until we had duckling number 2 and 3 to join Puddle. They were named Bubble and Splash and enjoyed meeting the children and exploring the water for the first time. They need to be kept warm in a special hatcher to help their soft, downy feathers to dry out and stay fluffy.

image4Miss Varley managed to catch duckling 4 and 5 hatching out of their egg. The blood that you can see is the veins from the eggs and not from the duckling at all. We named the new ducklings Raindrop and Pearl.

Do you notice that not all the ducklings are the same? Some are yellow and some are a lot darker in colour. This is because they are two different kinds. The children were set the challenge in researching for their homework what kind of ducklings we had. Have you found the answer yet? Check the comments section for the answer in a couple of days. image5Which duckling is your favourite?  We have loved having the ducklings in class with us. Some of the class keep chickens at home and have offered our ducklings a home so we hope to keep you updated with their progress soon.

What we have been learning about:

  • How to handle ducklings
  • How to care for ducklings
  • The life cycle of an egg
  • Keeping a calendar to track progress
  • Different parts of a duckling

What you could do to support your child at home:

  • Research the type of duckling we have
  • Visit a farm or zoo to see different life cycles in process

Life Cycles

This half term, we are learning all about life cycles in Science. We already know about the human life cycle and about the life cycle of a seed to a sunflower so we decided to learn the life cycles of some other animals.

We were very surprised when Miss Varley brought not one but two surprises in our classroom this week.

First we got some caterpillars after learning about how they transform into butterflies.


They may look tiny now but just wait a few weeks. We bet they don’t stay like that for long!

Our second surprise was this:



Miss Varley won’t tell us what kind of eggs these are but we know they definitely came from a farm. What kind of eggs do you think they are? Why don’t you comment below to let us know. We can’t wait until they have hatched!

Our suggestions so far include a chick, a duckling and a gosling. What do you think?

What you could do at home:

  • Talk to your child about what a life cycle is.
  • Match the names of adult animals to their babies.
  • Visit a farm or zoo to see animals and their babies.



We have been learning about Easter over the last half term at school in RE.

We know that the important dates leading up to Easter are:

  • Palm Sunday – when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people placed palm leaves on the floor to line the way.
  • Maundy Thursday – Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples and was later arrested by soldiers.
  • Good Friday – Jesus was placed on a cross to die.
  • Easter Sunday – Jesus was placed in a tomb and when Mary Magdelene went to check on Jesus, his body wasn’t there. Jesus had risen.

We tried hot cross buns for snack time.


We even had an Easter workshop that our grown ups could come and join in with us. There was lots of different things to do and make and everyone had lots of fun.


We wish everyone a happy and safe Easter! See you back at school on Mon 4th April!
