Marvellous Medicine

Last half term, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. They were both nurses in the Crimean War and they helped lots of soldiers to recover after they were injured in the Crimean War.

Usually to finish off our topic, we have a wonderful visitor called Candice who comes into school to run a Florence Nightingale workshop. Due to the current circumstances, this hasn’t been possible this year but we have been able to borrow some of the wonderful artefacts, props and resources to enable to carry out this workshop in school.

Just take a look at what we got up to…

World Book Day 2018

In school, we celebrated World Book Day on Friday 2nd March. The snow tried to spoil our day but we didn’t let that from stopping us from having a fab time!


We took a walk around school to look at some of the other decorated doors…


Our fantastic World Book Day Costumes…


We even managed to get into the school library to read and share books with our friends…


The book fair will be in school next week, so why don’t you pop along with your adult and see if there are any books that take your fancy. If you still have your World Book Day £1 token, you can use it to get £1 off a book at the Book Fair.

Alternatively, you can visit your local book shop and swap your £1 token for a special World Book Day book!

world book day poster

Florence Nightingale Workshop

This week, we have had history come to life! As a special treat to finish the end of our topic, Florence Nightingale came to our school. It felt like we were actually in the Crimean War helping Florence Nightingale or being one of the soldiers.

We got a chance to dress up and it was so much fun. We could be Florence Nightingale, one of the nurses who helped her or we could have been one of the soldiers.

The lady brought lots of different artefacts with her so we had the opportunity to handle real-life objects like they would have had in 1854. There was even a severed hand in there too!

We had learnt that the hospitals in Scutari were disgusting. They were full of flea-ridden rats, the food was often mouldy, the water was infected and the injured soldiers often had to sleep on the floor as there were no beds left for them to rest on.

When Florence and her nurses came, she began to change all of this. Florence was using her own money to look after the soldiers and they started to get better. We have learnt that she had a nickname. The soldiers used to call her ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ because during the night, Florence would go and check up on the soldiers to make sure that they were okay with a small lamp.

Everyone had so much fun, teachers included! A massive thank you to Florence for coming to visit us.

What you can do to support your child’s learning at home:

  • Ask your child if they can recall any of the facts that have learnt about Florence Nightingale.
  • Click here to play a game and learn more about Florence.

Wear it Wild Day 2016


Today, we have been celebrating the WWF Wear it Wild Day to help raise money for endangered animals. If you decided to dress up, you needed to bring £1 to school.

We came to school dressed as different wild animals. Some of us wore masks, animal onesies and some of us even had face paint on!

There was a prize for the best costume. In Pearl class, the lion costume won. An excellent costume choice today!

If you would like to learn more about WWF and Wear it Wild Day, please click here.

Things that you could do at school with your child:

  • Talk about what the word ‘endangered’ means.
  • Look at the website on the link above.
  • Think about how we can look after endangered species.
  • Maybe visit a local park or wildlife centre in the holidays to take a closer look at some wild animals.