Christmas Newsletter Alert!!

The Christmas Newsletter for 2019 has been emailed out to parents.

There is a copy of this newsletter on our homepage, under the heading Newsletters. Click there for more information. You’ll find more information there about Christmas performances, parties and other festive treats!

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a brand new academic year! We are super excited for all of our new adventures and learning that is going to take place this year. Keep your eyes peeled to our class blog to find out what we get up to.

The tabs at the top of the page will keep you up to date with our half termly newsletters and homework.

Homework is given out on a Thursday and due back in on a Tuesday.

Reading records also need to be handed in to Miss Varley on a Tuesday. Please feel free to change your reading book as often as you wish.

PE days are FRIDAYS and we are learning how to play tag rugby with RuggerEds. Please bring an outdoor kit to school and you can leave this on your peg.

After school club with RuggerEds is open to Y2 as well on a Friday – see Miss Varley for more details.

Autumn 1 2017 Newsletter

At the top of the homepage, you will see a tab called Newsletters.

Click on the link and scroll down to see the Y2 newsletter for Autumn 1.

This will tell you all that we are going to learn about this half term.

We have Forest School sessions this half term. Please remember to come to school in suitable outdoor clothing and footwear no matter the weather.

Y2 Newsletter – Summer 2

At the top of the homepage, you will see a tab called Newsletters.

Click on the link and scroll down to see the Y2 newsletter for Summer 2.

This will tell you all that we are going to learn about this half term.

Remember to bring a refillable water bottle to school and a sunhat when the weather is sunny. Sun cream can be applied at home before school.