
What an exciting morning we have had in Pearl class! Look at our fabulous boats!

Today was the day that we were going to make our boats. We worked together to design our boats and labelled them with all of the correct words. We have learnt that the steering wheel on a boat is actually called a helm. We know that boats have a mast, sails, stern and some boats have a crow’s nest.

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We used a technique called critique to help us today. When we use critique, it is so we can offer our opinions and advice to someone else in the class. We have to make sure that we follow 3 important rules. If we didn’t, we might end up hurting someone’s feelings about their work. These are:

  1. Be kind

  2. Be helpful

  3. Be specific

We started off by choosing the kind of box that we wanted and Miss Varley gave us lots of different materials to choose from to help us. We used different techniques to help us to make sure that things were stuck on tight. We remembered that boats need to be waterproof so that they don’t sink so some of us had to protect the boats that we had made.

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When we were half-way through our boat building session, we had to stop and take a look at what we had completed so far. We moved around the groups to see what everyone else had been working on. Then we chose someone else’s boat to evaluate, remembering the three important rules. Once we had offered advice to someone else, we went back to our boats to complete them. Take a look below at the start and finished products.

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How to continue the learning at home:

  • Take a ride on a boat, maybe at the seaside or on a canal boat.
  • Research different kinds of boats using the Internet.
  • Talk to your child about what they have been learning about in school.
  • Create your own boat from cardboard boxes at home.

Superstar Writer of the Week

Another well done to another superstar in Pearl class. IMG_0387[1].JPG

You continue to impress all of the adults in class with your sounding out and writing unfamiliar words to help you with your writing. This week on the laptops, you were able to work as part of a group, showing other children where the keys were that they needed to use to spell words. 🙂

KS1 Safety Day

This week, we have been learning all about how to keep safe. We moved around the different classrooms and learnt about safety in different ways from all of the KS1 teachers.

First we went to work with Miss Duddle and we were learning all about how to keep safe with our bodies. Exercise is very important to keep us fit and healthy. We also learnt about eating the right kinds of foods to help us to keep fit and healthy.


Next we went to work with Miss Mason and she taught us about how to keep safe in school and around the house.


After that, we went to work with Mrs Wells and learnt what we need to do in an emergency. We used role play to act out different scenarios.

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Finally we worked with Miss Varley to learn all about fire safety. We learnt that there are good and bad types of fire. We practised how to STOP, DROP and ROLL if we were ever in a situation where our clothes were on fire and then we worked together as a class to create some fire safety rules. These are proudly displayed in the classroom. Have a look next time you come in.


How to continue the learning at home:

  • Speak to your child about how to stay safe around the home.
  • What are the differences between good and bad fire?


Safer Internet Day 2017

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We have continued to learn about how to be safe today as it is Safer Internet Day.

In Pearl class, we read stories like Chicken Clicking and Penguin Pig to help reinforce the messages of how to stay safe online.


From this, we used the laptops to think about the key messages that we learnt about from the stories. Here are some of our work.


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In school, we also use Hector the Protector to keep us safe.

Click here to watch the Hector’s World episodes. There are other activities that you can complete here as well.

Pearl class have made some rules that they are going to follow when they are online. Is there anything on their list that they have forgotten?

  • Always make sure that you ask an adult before you go online. 
  • Don’t talk to strangers, even they if they try and talk to you first.
  • Keep your personal information secret. This includes your name, address, age, birthday, school and telephone number. 
  • Always keep your passwords secret. 
  • Don’t put photographs of yourself online. 
  • Use a nickname instead of using your real name if you are playing games. 
  • Always tell your grown up if someone tries to talk to you. 
  • Use Hector the Protector at school if you see something that you shouldn’t and then tell a teacher. 

How to continue the learning at home:

  • Do you supervise your child online at home?
  • Speak to your child about the dangers of speaking to strangers online.
  • Check out our school’s E-Safety Blog for more information on how to keep yourself safe. This include devices such as iPads, laptops, PSPs, gameboys. Click here to access it.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for a letter coming home tonight about Internet Safety.







An ambulance in school

In school, we are looking at Safety Week and we had an extra special treat to kick off the week.

Donald from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service came to school with his ambulance to help us to learn how to keep safe.


Donald told us all about the special uniform that he has to wear and how it keeps him safe.

Then it was our turn to go and explore the ambulance.


It was different to how we imagined it was as many of us had never been in an ambulance before. If it was a real-life emergency, Donald would have taken us to the hospital to make sure that we were ok.

We were able to ask questions to find out more about the ambulance.

  • How fast can an ambulance travel?
  • Does the ambulance make a noise?
  • Who looks after you on an ambulance?

Donald was able to answer all of our questions and he even let us listen to the siren on the ambulance. It was very loud and it would make us get out of the way in an emergency.


We had a brilliant time today. Thank you Donald.

Keep your eyes peeled on the blog for other safety week activities.

Superstar Writer of the Week

Our Superstar Writer of the Week couldn’t believe her ears when she heard that she had won this week for her fantastic poem about the senses!


You were able to use expanded noun phrases in your poem to add detail and use commas correctly to separate the adjectives. Your handwriting is improving day by day as well. Good girl! 🙂