Global Goals for Sustainable Development

On Friday, we launched the start of out learning about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development in Pearl class.

There are 17 Global Goals in total and these have been created by the United Nations so that by 2030, no one in the world should be suffered from such issues as poverty, not receiving a quality education or suffer from hunger.

We began the session by watching a short video to introduce what the Global Goals are. Click here to watch the video again.

We then learnt about the 5 different characteristics to help us to become explorers and to help us to achieve the Global Goals. They are: Empathy, Curiosity, Problem Solving, Creativity and Effective Communication.

  • Claudie Curiosity
  • Cassia Communication
  • Crawford Creativity
  • Parker the Problem Solver
  • Enaki Empathy

As a class, we then decided which task that we wanted to complete. We chose the task called Little Homes. We began to explore the concept of home and community and we looked at the question: How can we live together safely and peacefully?

Our task Little Homes will link to the above Global Goals.

Linking in our current topic of Manor Top, we thought about what we’d like Manor Top to be like if we had the chance to redesign it. We thought about the things that we’d need such as a school, houses to live in, shops and a doctors. We needed paths to be able to link places together and natural features such as green spaces and a stream.

Global Citizenship and Environment Fortnight 2019

You might remember that Y2 had been learning about Send My Friend to School and we made up a song. Click here to see our previous post.

We moved around classrooms in KS1 to learn about different elements of Global Citizenship and the Environment.

With Miss Varley and Miss Cullen, we learnt about how to improve the local environment and about recycling. We made seed bombs from recycled paper and once they have dried out, we are going to plant them in the secret garden.

With Miss Mason, we learnt about Human Rights and how a want is not equivalent to a need.

With Miss Breeze, we learnt about similarities and differences to those living in different parts of the world.

With Miss Hart, we learnt about water sanitation, where water comes from and understand why clean water is so important to help us be healthy.

Send My Friend to School 2019

  • Did you know that not everyone in the world is lucky enough to be able to go to school?
  • Did you know that education is a universal human right for everyone?
  • Did you know that over 262 million children across the world are not currently 8m school?
  • The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a global organisation working to ensure quality education for all children with members in over 90 countries.
  • Here in the UK, thousands of schools and young people take part in the Send My friend campaign , teaching young people the importance of using their voices with others across the globe to create positive change.

In Y2, we looked at what our rights were as citizens of the UK and we looked how to we could try and ensure that other children across the world had chance to be as lucky as we are.

  • We have the right to be educated
  • We have the right to play and relax
  • We have the right to play with other children
  • We have the right to share our views and say what we think
  • We have the right to a name
  • We have the right to be warm
  • We have the right to be safe and healthy, with quality healthcare, nutritious food and clean drinking water
  • We have the right to believe what I chose and to practise my religion

Together, we wrote a song and learnt how to sing it to a song we already knew.

Here is a clip of us singing our finished song. We are sorry there are no pictures but please listen to the words we are singing.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

Over the last two weeks at school, we have been looking at Fairtrade and how it affects others. This links to the 17 Global Goals that we look at throughout the year at school.

Do you know what Fairtrade is? Do you buy any Fairtrade products?

We started off by looking at the symbol in the classroom and tried to remember if we had seen it on any products that we use at home or at school.

Have you seen this symbol before?

Then we looked at what Fairtrade actually means.

FairTrade is…

Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.

We learnt that farmers who produce food in other countries such as Africa for us to eat across the world is given a fair price for the ropes that they grow. Some farmers struggle to feed their families, buy medicine for their families when they are ill or can’t even send their children to school.

This made us feel very sad that everyone doesn’t have the same opportunities as we do and aren’t as lucky as we are.

We wanted to help support the farmers that produce Fairtrade products so we used the iPads to research what products we could buy that were Fairtrade.

These were tea, coffee, cotton, coconuts, fruit like bananas and oranges, sugar and chocolate. Next you go shopping – see if you can spot the Fairtrade symbol on any of the products you buy.

As a special treat, Miss Varley threw us a Fairtrade Tea Party and it was brilliant! We drank Fairtrade tea and ate Fairtrade chocolate biscuits, Fairtrade dried pineapple and dried mango and Fairtrade bananas.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2018

In Pearl class, we have been learning about Fairtrade. This is something that everyone in school has been looking at and links to the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development as set out by the United Nations.

Image result for 17 goals - goal 12

First we looked at what Fairtrade actually is:

  • Trade that is fair
  • People and countries sell things to each other and farmers sell the crops that they grow.
  • Soemtimes trade isn’t always fair. Big companies and rich countries buy a lot of crops from poor countries but they don’t always want ot pay a fair price for the goods.
  • Fairtrade buyers want to make things better for farmers and they agree to pay farmers a fair price for their crops.

Then we looked asked, how does Fairtrade work?

  • Fairtrade farmers know that they will get a good price for their goods.
  • These farmers can make plans for their farms, spending money to make them better and safer.
  • These farmers must also agree to pay their workers a fair price.
  • Fairtrade buyers pay extra money too, called a premium. This money could then be spent on building a new school, health centre or bridge over a river.

We know when goods are Fairtrade when…

If you see this symbol on products, then you know that it is Fairtrade.

Can you find this mark on anything in your house?

Where do Fairtrade products come from?

  • Fairtrade products come from countries all over the world.
  • Bananas are grown in tropical regions.
  • Cocoa to make chocolate with comes from countries such as the Ivory Coast in Africa.
  • Tea and coffee also comes from hot places.
  • Fairtrade flowers grow well in Kneya’s sunny climate.
  • Mines in South America supply glittering Fairtrade gold.

Pearl class decided that they wanted to finish the work that they had been completing on Fairtrade, by having a Fairtrade Tea Party. They decided what they wanted at the tea party and then sent Miss Varley on a little shopping trip. Here is what she was able to get.


It was so lovely to complete our learning on Fairtrade with a chance to all sit down together and eat and drink some delicious foods. Cheers!


The World’s Largest Lesson

This week, we completed the World’s Largest Lesson. This is aimed at making adults and children across the world more aware of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. In 2015, 193 countries across the world agreed by 2030 to achieve the following three things:

  • End extreme poverty
  • Fight inequality and injustice
  • Tackle climate change

Did you know that there were 17 Global Goals in total?

Do you know what any of them are? 


We watched a short video that helped us to explain what the World’s Largest Lesson was about. Click here if you would like to watch this video again.

This year’s focus is on food, sustainability and hunger.

We watched a video that helped us to understand the focus this year. Click here if you would like to watch the video again and remind yourself of what the video was about.

We then set to work on deciding what our favourite foods were and looked at where they came from, how they got to our plate and what they were packaged in.


We promise to look after our world. We promise not to throw materials that can be recycled like cardboard and plastic in the bins. We promise to try and eat every piece of food that we have on our plates. Pearl class – September 2017

Global Citizenship Week

This week, the whole school has been busy learning about Global Citizenship.

KS1 decided that they looked at the theme of Poverty and Hunger. These are just 2 of the 17 global goals.


In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030.

 Click here if you would like to find out more information.

In Pearl class, we didn’t really know what poverty was so we explored this a little bit further. We looked at what might cause people to live in poverty and then thought about some solutions that we could use to prevent people from being in poverty. This happens in the UK and well as around the world.


We had some really thoughtful ideas and tried hard to think of sustainable solutions!

We also had a day where we moved around the different classes in KS1.

With Miss Duddle, we learnt about our basic needs.

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With Miss Mason, we learnt about the uneven distribution of food around the world.

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With Miss Breeze, we learnt about where food comes from.

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And with Miss Varley and Miss Deighton, we learnt about how poverty affects people’s lives and how to prevent it.

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Across school this week, we have been learning about Global Citizenship and in KS1 we have been focusing on water.


We know that water is useful in lots of different ways. We can use water for:

  • washing ourselves
  • washing our clothes
  • drinking
  • painting
  • flushing the toilet
  • growing plants
  • cooking

We started the week by trying some watermelon as part of snack time. We all thought that it was delicious. We can’t wait to have watermelon again!


In Literacy, we watched a short film from Literacy Shed called Zahra. Click here to watch the film.


A little girl called Zahra spends all day collecting water in order to help her tree grow so she can get some shade.  She travels back and forth to the water pump but it is no good, the tree won’t grow.  It is not until a bead of sweat falls from Zahra’s forehead on the roots that the tree springs forth and grows protectively in order to protect her from the sun.


We looked carefully at the setting of the film and we wrote descriptively to describe the setting. We used dictionaries to try and add new vocabulary to our writing.

‘The blazing sun shone brightly over the small African village.’

‘The sandy ground was arid and burning hot.’

‘Everywhere was golden, nothing grew , there was not a cloud in the sky.’

We learnt that not everyone in the world has access to clean, safe water and this made us sad. We thought about ways that we could try and make a difference. Some children decided to write a letter to the Prime Minister and local MPs to ask for more money to be sent abroad to those that need it so that everyone can have clean, safe water.

We used school’s Twitter account as well to tweet the Prime Minister and our local MPs. We are looking forward to hearing from them soon.

On one of the days, we got the chance to move around each classroom in KS1 to learn more about what we can use water for.

We had a go at doing some messy art with water; completed an obstacle course whilst carrying a cup of water- trying very carefully not to spill a single drop; filtering water to see what some children have to do every day and we learnt about the water cycle and where water comes from.

Our final activity was to have a go at tasting some different water. Miss Varley gave us 4 different types of water to try and we completed a tasting result sheet to see what we thought about each type of water. We didn’t know which one was which until the very end. We all thought that D was the best – it was just plain water!

What you can do with your child at home:

  1. Try to save water and not waste it on purpose.
  2. Click here to visit the Wateraid website to learn more about water conservation.
  3. Talk to your child about the things that they have learnt this week at school.