Bread Experiment – Part 2

You might remember last week, we set up an experiment to see which piece of bread would be the mouldiest. We left the bread for a week in a sealed bag and the results are in…

The winner of the mouldiest piece of bread was dirty hands!

We have learnt the importance of washing our hands after we go to the toilet, before we have something to eat and if we sneeze or cough into our hands. We don’t want the germs to get into our bodies and make us poorly. We have seen first hand how germs can be transferred and can make us poorly.

Bread Experiment – Part 1

Today we set up an experiment in class. We have been learning about how germs can be transferred from one place to another and about the importance of washing our hands.

We asked the question ‘Which piece of bread will be the mouldiest after a week? We used four pieces of bread and put them in different situations. The first was a control piece that no one touched with their bare hands. The second piece was touched by dirty hands. The third piece was touched by clean hands and the fourth and final piece was touched by the iPad.

We then made a prediction as to which piece we though would be the mouldiest after a week. Come back next week to find out our results!

Which one do you think will be the mouldiest?

Healthy Living Week

This week, we have been celebrating Healthy Living Week across school. We started the week with a Science lesson learning all about exercise and what effect exercise has on our bodies.

We found out that exercise does have a positive effect on our bodies.

  • During exercise, our bodies will get warmer
  • We start to pant and breathe more heavily to increase the amount of oxygen in our bodies
  • Our hearts will beat faster, increasing blood flow around our bodies
  • After exercise, we might be tired and our bodies need to rest and have a drink of water

Next we looked at a story called No Means No by Jayneen Saunders. Click here to see Jayneen reading the story.

We learnt that everyone is entitled to have personal boundaries about themselves and their bodies and we learnt about consent. Consent is when you have to ask before you touch someone else. E.g. Please can I hold your hand? Can I have a hug please?

Everyone is entitled to say no as some people might be uncomfortable giving each other a hug or holding hands. We practised other ways that you could use if you don’t like to hug or hold hands. E.g. waving, touching elbows, smiling at each other or fist bump.

If someone does something to you that upsets or makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them NO MEANS NO! If it still continues to happen, go and tell a trusted adult who will be able to help you out.

We then watched a video from the NSPCC called Pantosaurus and we learnt a song. Click here to watch the video again. Can you remember what PANTS stands for?

  • P – Privates are private
  • A – Always remember your body belongs to you
  • N – No means no!
  • T – Talk about secrets that upset you
  • S – Speak up, someone can help

Our mental health is also something is that really important so we completed some Cosmic Kids yoga to help our minds be free and to help us to relax. Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Kids YouTube channel to complete some yoga at home.

It is important that we look after our bodies so we need to think about what food or drink we put inside them. We looked at designing a healthy lunchbox to help us to make the right choices, especially for lunchtimes at school.

Click here read up to date guidance on healthy lunchboxes from Learn Sheffield.

Finally we completed the week by looking at hygiene. We keep ourselves clean by washing in the bath or shower, brushing our teeth at least once a day, washing our hands when they are dirty or if we have touched something dirty.

We completed an experiment called Glitter Bugs which helped us to learn the importance of washing our hands thoroughly. Take a look at us below.

We found out that warm water and soap is the best way to clean our hands!

Homework – Autumn 1 2019 – Health and Humans

We have had some amazing pieces of homework handed in this half term linked with our topic of Health and Humans.

A massive thank you to all of our parents and carers for helping their children complete some impressive art work.

Remember to click on the tab on the home page to find links to half termly homework and spellings.

TASC: Lifecycle of a Butterfly

In science, we have been busy learning about lifecycles and we enjoyed it so much that Miss Varley set us a task and we used TASC to help us to do this.

Task: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Here is what we did:

We were so proud of each other for the work that we had completed that we invited Onyx class to come and have a look as we know that they have been learning about life cycles as well.

We even displayed our work in the classroom for our adults to see in a morning when they came into the classroom.

Growing Plants…

We have been learning about plants in Science in Pearl Class. We know that seeds can grow into lots of exciting things such as fruit, vegetables and flowers. Seeds come in all different shapes and sizes.

We wanted to know what the different parts of a plant are called as it stars to grow.

Then we though about what plants need to grow in. We learnt that all plants need air, water and sunlight to grow. But do all plants need soil to grow in? We set up lots of different seeds to investigate what would happen to the seeds without any soil. Would they grow? Take a look below to find out our findings…

Finally we though about what might happen if we took away just one of things that plants need to grow and investigate what happened. We set up different pots and planted both seeds and bulbs inside to see what would happen in the different circumstances. We made predictions as to what we thought might happen to each pot. Here is what we did:

Pot 1 – Sand instead of soil

Pot 2 – No air (water, soil and light)

Pot 3 – No water (air, light and soil)

Pot 4 – No light (soil, water and air)

Pot 5 – Control (air, light and water)

Every week, we kept a seed and bulb diary so we could see what happened to the seeds and bulbs on a weekly basis. Here is what we found out.

Pot 1 – Neither the seed or bulb grew in the sand.

Pot 2 – Neither the seed or bulb grew with no air.

Pot 3 – Surprisingly both the seed and bulb grew in the soil with no water. (We discussed that the soil might have had water in it already to help the seed and bulb grow)

Pot 4 – Both the seed and bulb grew in the dark but they were both yellow.

Pot 5 – Both the seed and bulb grew as predicted.

We found out:

  • If you put a plant in the dark, it will grow but it will turn yellow. Plants need sunlight to help it to make food in its leaves and keep it green. Once we completed our investigation, we left it out in the sunlight and it started to turn green again!
  • If you put a lid on a plant and into a container, it won’t grow however it will go mouldy. When we took the lid off to check, the smell was really gross!
  • We were surprised that the seed and bulb didn’t grow in the sand. If we were to do this again, we would try it out again or try plant it in different things like custard or pebbles.

Super Scientists

Linked to our work about Florence Nightingale, we looked at the effect germs can have on our bodies and how quickly they can make food mouldy.

We turned into Super Scientists and we had a go at testing our reflexes as well as our sense of smell and touch. It was difficult to guess what the smells and the objects were without using our eyes.

Then we set up an experiment to see how germs could make food mouldy. We used three pieces of bread but did different things to each one.


  • In the first – we called this CONTROL as we didn’t touch the piece of bread with our hands. We used tongs and placed it into a clear bag.
  • In the second – we called this UNWASHED as we made sure we put lots of germs on the piece of bread by rubbing it between our hands before we placed it into the clear bag.
  • In the third – we called this WASHED as we made sure we washed our hands carefully with soap and water before we rubbed our hands on the piece of bread and placed it into the clear bag.
  • All three bags were placed in the same place so that we could make sure it was a fair test.

We continued to be Super Scientists by making a prediction about which piece of bread would have the most mouldy. Our predictions are below:

  • 2 children thought the CONTROL would have the most mould.
  • 25 children thought the UNWASHED would have the most mould.
  • 3 children thought the WASHED would have the most mould.

We left the bread for a week and our results are below:

  • All three pieces of bread had gone mouldy.
  • It was clear from looking at the pieces of bread that the UNWASHED had the most amount of mould on it, followed by the WASHED and finally the CONTROL.


As a class, we discussed why the UNWASHED had the most amount of mould on it. It had the most amount of germs on it and the control had none because it hadn’t been touched by anyone’s hands.

We know how important it is to wash our hands before we eat and after we have been to the toilet as we don’t want these germs inside our bodies.

If they can turn bread mouldy, what can they do to the inside of our bodies?






Healthy Living Week 2017

Before the holidays, it was Healthy Living Week at school and the whole school got involved.

We thought about what that meant to us in Y2. We think that healthy living is being fit and doing lots of exercise, drinking lots of water, keeping ourselves clean and having a healthy balanced diet.

The first thing we looked at was how to get our hearts pumping.


We looked at the question: Does exercise affect our heart rate?

We found that the more exercise that we did, the faster our hearts were beating.

Next we looked at the different ways we know to keep ourselves clean.

We can wash our hands after going to the toilet and before we eat, we can brush our teeth twice a day, we can make sure that we wear clean clothes, we can put our hands over our mouths when we sneeze and put dirty tissues in the bin and we can have a bath or a shower to keep our bodies clean. We can’t see germs or bacteria but we know that they are there.

Some of us played a game called ‘Glitter Bugs’. We imagined that the red glitter were germs and we had to use soap to wash them off. It was tricky because the glitter got everywhere and it made us really try hard to wash all of the glitter off carefully.


Then we looked at how to have a healthy lunchbox. Click here to play the game that we have been using in class to design your own healthy lunchbox.

Finally we finished off the week with a visit from a nurse. She was called Dawn and she spoke to us about what it meant to be healthy and how to have a healthy and balanced diet.


Environment Week 2017

Before the holidays, we were learning about how to look after the environment and in particular, our school environment.

We moved around the different classrooms and this is what we learnt…

In Pearl class, we used the secret garden to investigate if it would be a suitable habitat for birds to make their nests with and found lots of litter that we needed to remove.


In Ruby class, we used the PlayPod to sort big materials into the correct categories.


In Jet class, we learnt about recycling and sorted materials into ones that can be reused and those that can’t before decorating our recycling bin.


In Topaz class, we made bird feeders that we are going to put up in the secret garden to encourage birds to come and visit, maybe even nest!


How to continue the learning at home:

  • Look at what you throw away at home – can any of it be recycled?
  • Pick up any litter that you see on the ground and put it in the bin.
  • Click here to help Barnaby Bear to sort materials into the right categories.
  • Click here for more help and advice to learn how to recycle.

Living, Non-Living or Once Living…?

Our Science topic is all about animals and their habitats so we went to explore the secret garden to see if we could find different objects that we could sort.


Once we had collected our objects, we came back into the classroom to sort the objects into living, non-living and once living objects.


We know that all living things can:


Respire (Breathe)

Sensitivity (Using senses – taste, touch, see, hear and smell) 


Reproduce (Having babies)

Excretion (Go to the toilet) 

Nutrition (Eat and drink)

Look at the first letters of each of those words above. What do they spell out? 

We also found some interesting plants in the secret garden. Do you know the names of any of these plants? How can you find out the names of these plants?
