Kandinsky Inspired Art

This half term we have been learning all about colour. We know that the primary colours are red, blue and yellow.

We used the primary colours to help us to make new colours. They are called secondary colours.

Red + Blue = Purple

Blue + Yellow = Green

Yellow + Red = Orange

We also found out that we can make other new colours

Red + Yellow + Blue = Brown

Red + White = Pink

Black + White = Grey

We can make lighter colours by adding white to them and darker colours by adding black to them.

One artist that we have looked at was Kandinsky. He was born in 1866 in Russia and originally trained to be a lawyer. Soon he realised that he didn’t want to be a lawyer anymore and wanted to be an artist.


He specialises in a form of art called Abstract art. This is when art is more focused on form and colour rather than physical objects.

Here are some of his more famous abstract paintings.

How do they make you feel when you look at them?

What can you see? 

What do they make you think of? 

We decided that we would like to create our own piece of Kandinsky inspired art after we looked at the painting ‘Squares with Concentric Circles’.


We loved looking at all of the bright colours and how some of them contrasted with each other.

Have a look at what we created in class… What do you think?

Y2 Class Assembly

This week we had our class assembly and this was our chance to tell our grown ups and the rest of the school what we have been learning about this year.


This was our chance to sing some of our favourite songs and tell everyone about our fabulous trip to Whirlow Hall Farm. Click here to see the original post.

Thank you to all of our grown ups for coming to watch us.

Green for Grenfell

Today, we were invited to wear the colour green to support the people suffering or were involved in the Grenfell fire in London. By wearing green, we show solidarity and support for the people who died, were injured or lost everything in this tragic event.

A huge thank you to all of our parents and carers for sending donations in for this cause. We have raised over £200. This money will go towards helping those that have been affected in London.

#greenforgrenfell #solidarity


Mathematicians of the Week

Our Mathematician of the Week from last week was…

Summer 2 - Week 2

 We are so proud of the effort that you have been putting into your maths this week in everything that you do! Well done!

This week’s mathematician of the week is…


You were able to use coins to make different amounts of money and use your estimation skills to round numbers before you found the actual answer. Superb effort this week!

Superstar Writers of the Week

The superstar writer of the week from last week was…

Summer 2 - Week 2

You really impressed all of the adults in Pearl class with your super handwriting, spelling and independent writing.

This week’s superstar writer of the week is…


Miss Varley was blown away with your story this week. It was neat, included questions and exclamation sentences as well as expanded noun phrases. It was a pleasure to read and mark!

Whirlow Hall Farm

This week, we had the most amazing opportunity to visit and stay at Whirlow Hall Farm on our first every residential. It might have been raining whilst we were there but that didn’t dampen our spirits and we had the most amazing time!

Here is just a little peek at some of the things that we got up to while we were there…

Getting excited on the minibus on the way there

Eating lunch

Being outside

Supper time


Grooming the ponies

Grooming the rabbits and guinea pigs

Visiting the hen house and collecting eggs

And our favourite part of the whole trip was being able to have a pony ride on Ruby and Bonnie.

Pearl class would like to say a great big thank you to Whirlow Hall Farm and our 480 sponsor Best Solicitors for making this trip possible. We really have had the best time ever.



Y2 Newsletter – Summer 2

At the top of the homepage, you will see a tab called Newsletters.

Click on the link and scroll down to see the Y2 newsletter for Summer 2.

This will tell you all that we are going to learn about this half term.

Remember to bring a refillable water bottle to school and a sunhat when the weather is sunny. Sun cream can be applied at home before school.