Pearl Class Superstars – Autumn 1 – Week 8

What a busy end to a fabulous half term. There were lots of certificates flying out of the door today for lots of different reasons.

Our mathematician and superstar writer of the week.
Mention certificates, growth mindset and Science superstars this week too!

Healthy Living Week

This week, we have been celebrating Healthy Living Week across school. We started the week with a Science lesson learning all about exercise and what effect exercise has on our bodies.

We found out that exercise does have a positive effect on our bodies.

  • During exercise, our bodies will get warmer
  • We start to pant and breathe more heavily to increase the amount of oxygen in our bodies
  • Our hearts will beat faster, increasing blood flow around our bodies
  • After exercise, we might be tired and our bodies need to rest and have a drink of water

Next we looked at a story called No Means No by Jayneen Saunders. Click here to see Jayneen reading the story.

We learnt that everyone is entitled to have personal boundaries about themselves and their bodies and we learnt about consent. Consent is when you have to ask before you touch someone else. E.g. Please can I hold your hand? Can I have a hug please?

Everyone is entitled to say no as some people might be uncomfortable giving each other a hug or holding hands. We practised other ways that you could use if you don’t like to hug or hold hands. E.g. waving, touching elbows, smiling at each other or fist bump.

If someone does something to you that upsets or makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them NO MEANS NO! If it still continues to happen, go and tell a trusted adult who will be able to help you out.

We then watched a video from the NSPCC called Pantosaurus and we learnt a song. Click here to watch the video again. Can you remember what PANTS stands for?

  • P – Privates are private
  • A – Always remember your body belongs to you
  • N – No means no!
  • T – Talk about secrets that upset you
  • S – Speak up, someone can help

Our mental health is also something is that really important so we completed some Cosmic Kids yoga to help our minds be free and to help us to relax. Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Kids YouTube channel to complete some yoga at home.

It is important that we look after our bodies so we need to think about what food or drink we put inside them. We looked at designing a healthy lunchbox to help us to make the right choices, especially for lunchtimes at school.

Click here read up to date guidance on healthy lunchboxes from Learn Sheffield.

Finally we completed the week by looking at hygiene. We keep ourselves clean by washing in the bath or shower, brushing our teeth at least once a day, washing our hands when they are dirty or if we have touched something dirty.

We completed an experiment called Glitter Bugs which helped us to learn the importance of washing our hands thoroughly. Take a look at us below.

We found out that warm water and soap is the best way to clean our hands!

Healthy Living Week 2019

This half term, our focus has been on Healthy Living.

Did you know that there are lots of different ways to live a healthy lifestyle?

  • Be physically active every day
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Brush your teeth at least once a day
  • Visit a dentist regularly
  • Drink lots of water
  • Get at least 8 hours sleep a night
  • Look after your mental health and well-being

In school, we have been completing lots of different activities to help us to do this.

We kicked off the week Active Mission and Errol and had 3 minutes on each activity. It certainly got our hearts racing by the end!

Dr. Hobbs came into to do an assembly for us on how to live a healthy lifestyle too!

Our activity was with the St. John’s ambulance team and they taught us how to make an emergency phone call.

Mrs Murch taught us about PANTS and we had fun with Pantosaurus.

P – Privates are private

A – Always remember your body belongs to you

N – No means no!

T – Talk about secrets that upset you or make you feel uncomfortable

S – Speak up, someone can help.

If you would like more information about PANTS and the Underwear Rule from the NSPCC, click here.

Click here to see Pantosaurus and his song.

We finished off the week with some yoga to relax and chill out.

Healthy Living Week 2018

Across school, we have been thinking about how to keep ourselves healthy.  We have had lots of visitors in school and activities to complete to help to promote a healthy lifestyle. Take a look below to see what we have been up to…


Yoga is a good way to exercise both our minds and our bodies. Check out our yoga moves!

If you want to do move yoga at home, look at Comsic Kids on Youtube for more ideas.


We absolutely loved our Active Mission Session with Errol. It was so much fun trying to get around all of the different activities. Our favourite activity was trying to hit as many lights as we could in just one minute! The record was 32 set by Mateo!


We got to use exercise bikes with smoothie makers on the front to make some delicious smoothies. We had to pedal as fast as we could to blend up the fruit and the yoghurt before we were able to drink them. They were really tasty and it was fun working together to making different smoothies!


Mrs Murch spent some time with us looking at PANTS. Ask your child about what PANTS means.

If you would like more information about the NSPCC campaign for PANTS, please click here.

Healthy Living Week

In Science, we have been learning all about being healthy.

We know that we can be healthy in lots of different ways.

First we had a question to answer: Does exercise affect our heart rate?

Science - 5.10.16.jpg

We checked our heart rates when they were resting and then we checked them again after each activity to see if they had increased or not.

We found that our heart rates did increased when we completed some exercise. We know that our heart is very important to help keep you alive and that our hearts pump blood all around the body. Our blood cells contain oxygen that our bodies need to stay healthy.

Next we looked at how food had an effect on our bodies.

After that, we looked at making a healthy lunch box.

In Literacy, we looked at writing instructions to help learn how to wash our hands properly and how to brush our teeth. We have learnt that all instructions include imperative verbs (bossy verbs) that tell us to do something. These are also known as commands.

Washing our hands

1. Wet your hands with water from the tap.

2. Lather the soap between your hands.

3. Scrub your hands with the soapy bubbles, making sure you get between your fingers, thumbs, palms and on top of your hands.

4. Rinse off the bubbles with more clean water.

5. Dry with hands with a clean paper towel.

What a fantastic job we have done washing our hands!

Finally, we had a special day dedicated to healthy living where our parents could come and join in with us to make lots of different crafts.

The school nurses came into school as well to talk to us about how to stay healthy and they spoke to our mums and dads as well.

Do you know how much sugar is in the things you drink?


We have had a really fun day and enjoyed learning about how to be healthy.

How to continue the learning at home:

  • Switch drinking sweet, sugary drinks to water, milk or sugar free dilute squash. Save fizzy drinks for a special treat.
  • Visit the dentist every 6 months for a check up.
  • Try to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Exercise for 10-15 minutes every day.
  • Instead of coming to school in the car, why not try parking half way and then walking the rest of the way.
  • Save sweets and chocolates for a special treat maybe once a week.
  • Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet.